
We’re a community of gamers enjoying a range of casual and competitive games.

You’re welcome to join us on Discord. We have regular game nights, roughly 3 nights a week (often more). We’ll get a schedule going soon so we can plan around it.

WARNING, we swear a lot and have a lot of rather brutal banter. Please don’t let that deter, we are an inclusive group.

We play

  • Valorant (our main game)
  • GTFO (our secondary game)
  • Golf With Your Friends (our chill game)

Sometimes we dabble in other titles:

  • Escape from Tarkov
  • Diablo III
  • Overwatch
  • Insurgency Sandstorm
  • CS:GO

Our members

UnusedMethodAdministratorRuns Discord and the site, and basically carries everyone!
CrappermineDiscord AdminCarries our arses and all-round troll.
SpoonyMcForkDiscord AdminFull time troll and shenanigator
ButchShlongMemberPro gamer!
TamMemberRager, troll
VeleriousMemberViper Main
El Queso GrandeMemberThe parent
Arcane SkoochMemberTrouble maker
Nak3d DAve^^MemberHe’s naked!
El thick0Member

We’d love to have more people online so we can player more games, ensure full parties and enjoy more banter. So please feel free to join us on Discord, and let us know what you want to play so we can add the right roles.